Friday, December 10, 2010

Beyond the Four Walls

Here is a copy of the article I wrote for this weeks School Newsletter

This past Sunday night I was one of the presenters for an online Elluminate session, which dealt with using social media in schools. Elluminate is an instant communication platform designed for educators to advance and promote collaborative learning, which specifically benefit students, teachers, and educational institutions.
My topic was how social media can be used for teacher and student growth. I discussed how I have utilized Twitter as a tool in my own professional growth. In my opinion, one of the most significant areas that social media and networking can assist educators and students is the access it affords to schools all over the world. We are not isolated and limited by size to a smattering of ideas and outlooks.
In the past few months, I have been in touch with administrators and teachers from schools in Florida and Australia that both use Tal Am and we have discussed the possibility of our students and teachers Skyping .Last week and again just yesterday, a few students and I Skyped with schools in Omaha, Nebraska and in Colorado to discuss Chanukah. The possibilities for learning are endless - we are no longer confined by the four walls of our classroom.
I believe this ties in very well to the story of Chanukah. Chanukah commemorates a time during which we had to hide the public practice of our religion and deny our Jewish identity. Baruch Hashem we live in a time and place where Judaism is a recognized and respected religion and its practices accepted by our neighbors. We have the freedom to publicly share our creativity and knowledge by having an amazing dance program performed by our elementary students and a night of learning in the CYHSB in our own building. Technology has given us the ability share the pride we have in the celebration of our Yiddishkeit with all types of schools all over the world.
May we continue to shine bright as a school, community and a nation.

For those that may be interested here is a link to the online Elluminate session I referred to:

Have a Great Shabbos
