Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Presents Are You Giving?

Last night Jews around the world celebrated the first night of Chanukah. Chanukah celebrates our religious freedom and I have always found it to be a holiday that spoke to me as a Rabbi and educator. I try to find an appropriate Chanukah message to share with people each year. . This year I came across the words of Lord Rabbi Sacks.
The message is one that we as parents and educators need to take to heart.

Wishing  you all a Happy Chanukah and in the words of lord Rabbi Sacks,The best present we can give our children is the chance to do something great.”

I hope Rabbi Sacks words speak to us as much as they spoke to me

Editors note: Because of the important message I will be posting this on a number of my blogs 

Here is a link to the complete article:

“The best present we can give our children is the chance to do something great.
Children grow to fill the space we create for them, and if it's big, they grow tall. But if we turn them into mini consumers, we rob them of the chance of greatness, and I've not yet met a child not capable of greatness if given the opportunity and encouragement.
I do a lot of public speaking, and people sometimes ask me who taught me. The answer is simple. I went to a Christian school with a lot of Jewish pupils but no Jewish teachers. So we had to run the Jewish assembly ourselves, and that's how I learned as a teenager how to speak in public, because somebody gave me the chance. It was best piece of education I ever had.
Judaism is a child-centred religion. My earliest memories are of putting the bells on the Torah scroll in the synagogue, asking the Passover questions, lighting the chanukah candles. Judaism stayed young because it made heroes of the young. The best present we can give our children is the chance to do something great. It's a gift that will last a lifetime and transform their lives.” 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Graders Skype

In my previous post I spoke about the educational benefits of skyping. Yesterday our first graders skyped with a Day School in Jacksonville Florida. They also do the Tal Am program and they shared songs and stories.

Thank you to Morah Katz and the teachers in Jacksonville for making this all possible.

Enjoy the videos!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why Should You Skype


Over the last two years since I have been active on Twitter I have skyped a number of times with different schools and different educators. I have also encouraged my teachers to skype with different schools. Many of our teachers have skyped with other schools and have established e-pals and skype buddies.

I have become known in school as somewhat of the Skype expert and classes that want to skype come to me. The truth is skyping is really very easy all it requires is a web cam and a skype account.

Some one asked me why do I skype so much. I don’t really but the question got me thinking as to what are some of the educational benefits to skyping.

Here is my quick ( short list) Please comment and add your own ideas.

1. Makes learning real
2. Allows students to connect with experts
3.Lets students become experts and teach others
4. Allows students to collaborate and communicate with others
5. Allows for students to be engaged in the learning and become active learners

6. Expands the walls of the classrooms and allows students to learn with peers all over the world
This week our first graders will be skyping with a another Jewish day school about Chanukah. The teacher has been preparing them for the experience. She came to tell me that when ever she mentions it her students get all excited and can’t wait. One of the students said to her ” They learn the same things that we are learning”.

Last week my fifth grade class had the opportunity to skype with @michellek107 class in Denver. The first question I was asked afterwards was when can we do that again.

That in a a nutshell is why I skype and would encourage other to skype provided that it offers a learning opportunity for all.